Friday, March 15, 2013

One very uncool (and I'm being mild) thing that happened today

Perhaps nothing to do with Mike's challenge, I'm juist a bit upset. Actually furious, literally swearing non-stop.

This is 15th March 19.15 p.m.
Yesterday in the morning hours it started to snow in my tiny country. It all turned into a severe blizzard that took for over 24 hours.More than 10000 people spent the night in cars on the roads. (Some of them are still there.) They were cold, hungry, thirsty and what's probably the worst part, had no idea when they would escape. Rescue professionals were working hard. And thousands of everyday people were ready to help. I saw the thing this morning, I read the news on Facebook and listened to the radio. On Facebook I saw an update by a guy who was stuck in his car, letting us know about a young couple (with a chihuahua) who were giving away food from a giant bag. Guerilla helpers.I thought I could help if there were people in need around here. I wanted to find a map or some practical info on where and how to help, but no use. The websites of the authorities/state services/etc. were just useless or not even working.I spent the morning sharing updates from people who sought help and others who wanted to help. I wished for some central hub for all these, to coordinate it all, finally by the afternoon there was that map. A group of volunteers created a simple Google map to coordinate it, thanks to them, marvellous people. I’m sure there have been examples of human kindness and help in numerous other cases, and I hope finally everyone is fine and I’m happy to know that our society has ample resources of humanity and care. 

The thing that bothers me is that ... I know how fast it can be in the 21st century to connect. I wonder what would have happened if we were more aware of ... that, we had more 21st century skills and tools up our sleeves.
So .. I’m sure those in governmental positions and the relevant offices are very intelligent professionals and they must hold excellent qualifications and certificates with the best grades and stuff.But ... what if that map had been created by those officials who are supposed to be in charge of these matters? Yesterday afternoon let’s say.
They just didn't think of that?

What I’m getting at is ... Do we really need to make kids memorize and regurgitate things at school? Do we really have to tell them what to do step by step, without making them aware why? Shall we go on spoon-feeding them? Isn’t it high time to do a bit more of project work? Problem solving? Creativity? Communication? Collaboration? Collaborative ICT tools? Responsibility? Ownership? Decision making? Setting up priorities? Dealing with unexpected situations? Snow in March? (It wasn’t an earthquake, for God’s sake.) Am I still the weirdo with those video projects? Should I really be entertaining my students and call it motivation? Shouldn't we rather kick their asses to get up and do something ... before LIFE gives that painful kick?

Just asking myself, never mind. Sorry, I’m very pissed off.

Ah, the ill-targeted text from the Ministry of Interior. saying "We're going to help you. Don't leave your car. If you run out of petrol, sit in another vehicle." Sent to ...everyone? I don't even have a car.


rose said...

whatever answers you have in your mind, I agree with them probably 99%. the other 1% I leave to the fact that we are not clones. You have all the right to be mad. thanks for sharing with us.

Barbi said...

:) thanks Rose.